Monday, November 24, 2008

Something to think about......

Haha.... since nobody actually bother to post anything here....

I just out of no where have this thought to reflect about...

In our class, there are around 20 people.... or 19 if you dont include hock chuan i think....*anyone correct me if i am wrong*

Everyone has his/her birthday and as a class, we always try our best to help celebrate their birthday... By giving gifts and buying cake and more...

And when people start to give gifts, they will ask around the class for people to actually share the cost so that they can get a good gift.

But has anyone ever wonder about that when you pay for someone's gift, you hope that one day that person will also share the cost and give yourself a gift when its Your birthday?

To some people, they may think this person is petty, but on another hand, another person might think that its basic courtesy. Cause its all about giving and receiving right?

Suddenly if u actually think through, during this past 3 years (nearly), how many people have you actually paid for to get their gifts or birthday cake?

And have you ever like wonder its always the few similar people that the class always celebrate for? They get gifts, celebrations while some of the rest in the class gets nothing. In fact, some of them actually paid all the time whenever a classmate ask whether he/she wants to share the cost for somebody's gift. Those few people maybe during their birthday, just get maybe 1-2 small gifts by their close friends which their close friends paid themselves. Nobody bothers to celebrate, or try to group together to get a nice gift for him/her.

Sometimes i reflect back, i just feel so sad for those few people... They treat their classmates as friends and paid all the time, but during their own birthday, they get near nothing from the class.

I dont think i have to mention names but i think we can all get the idea of who i guess.... Just hope this situation won't happen again when everyone goes to university or to work coz this just seems like pure biasness...

PS: This post is just a random thought.... It has nothing to do with any person or event. Thanks.

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